Florence Booth House Revitalization

Illustration of proposed building

Virtual Public Information Meeting - November 24, 2020

The Salvation Army invites you to learn more about our proposal to revitalize and redevelop Florence Booth House at 723 Queen Street West. Staff from Florence Booth House, the Project Team and the City of Toronto were present for a virtual public information meeting on November 24, 2020, hosted by The Salvation Army, to:

  • Share plans for the revitalization of Florence Booth House
  • Welcome feedback and answer questions
  • Provide information about the Committee of Adjustment Hearing, now scheduled for early December, to review the application for minor variances from existing zoning

[pdf-embedder url="https://florenceboothhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Public-Information-Meeting-4-Pages.pdf"]

Support Women Experiencing Homelessness in Toronto

During building renovations we have temporarily relocated to 66 Norfinch Drive

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